About my Family
My Husband Nick
We met in high school & pretty much have been inseparable ever since.
We started dating June 5,1997 & we got married June 4,2005.
We have been together for almost 15 years &
we are still as in love today as we were 15 years ago
My oldest Son Cameron
At age 18, on December 4,1999 I gave birth to a healthy 7lb baby boy.
We were hoping for a boy but we didn't know the sex until he was born.
He is the smartest kid I know & I am always a proud momma when it comes to his accomplishments. I wouldn't be surprised if he skips a grade or two.
He is so funny, & quick witted he never ceases to amaze anyone he meets.
I am proud to be his mommy.
My middle son Marshall
At age 21, On February 25,2003,
I gave birth to another Healthy beautiful 8lb baby boy.
Marshall is such a character that never stops making me laugh.
He is so funny & such a sweet lil boy.He has such a great heart.
He has a temper(like his momma) that is sometimes unbearable
but when it is all said & done he is a pretty good kid.
My lil man Conner
At 24, on May 27,2006, I gave birth to ANOTHER beautiful baby boy.
We call Conner our miracle baby cuz Conner wasn't as healthy as he seemed
Actually he was a very sick lil baby, He had septicemia which is a very serious,sometimes fatal blood infection. It was a normal pregnancy, no complications not even morning sickness,He was 10 days over my due date & an extremely long 11.5 hour labor. when he was born he seemed to be healthy & for the two days in the hospital they let me believe he was healthy. When we were discharged it was the hottest day of the year so far & very muggy & Conner wasn't eating that much & sleeping alot.Well I just thought it was cuz it was so hot. Well 10:30 that night when we finally got home after visiting people he started to turn blue & choke so we rushed him to the hospital & after a spinal tap & blood tests they found he was fighting a very bad infection from an unknown cause..He spent the first week of his life in the PICU & fought so hard. The nurse told us when we arrived at the E.R. he would have died that night if we didn't bring him in when we did.So we are so grateful & blessed to still have him & every milestone he achieves is a blessing.
My World,My Everything,My Life
I am a very blessed woman to have 4 amazing guys in my life.
I would not change anything for the world.
Yes I startd a family very young(18) but I could not imagine my life without any of them.
They are my life & my reason for living & without them I would be nothing.
Their is never a day that goes by that I don't thank god for blessing me with the life I have. I am a woman with a loving husband,4 beautiful sons, a home that we are proud of. I really can't complain so I won't..lol

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